* Breaking the China-Taiwan Impasse [#n62abcc5]
by Donald S. Zagoria (ed.) A Publication of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy. &br;

- List Price: GBP 21.95 (原價 NT$990 元;特價 NT$490 元)
- List Price: GBP 21.95
- Medium: Paperback
- Pages: 288 pages
- Publisher: Praeger
- Pub Date: October 30, 2003 
- ISBN-10: 0275980227
- ISBN-13: 9780275980221
- 知訊編號 #130

** Description [#u371dd25]
- Zagoria presents perspectives from Washington, Beijing, and Taipei on cross-strait tensions, exploring ways to break the current standoff. Tensions between China and Taiwan are not likely to abate in the foreseeable future. The question of Taiwan's sovereignty is the major point of friction, and the continuing impasse between China and Taiwan is worrisome. Should critical political negotiations falter, relations are likely to take on stronger military overtones, and the PRC may well develop a sense of urgency about Taiwan drifting towards independence.
- These, at least, are the broad conclusions drawn from the ongoing dialogues among top U.S., Chinese, and Taiwanese figures, sponsored by the National Committee on American Foreign Policy. This Track II project provides a forum for top policy analysts from each country to discuss trilateral relations in a frank and constructive manner, and is an effort to explore means of peacefully resolving the current impasse. Among the more significant findings is that the more serious risks of conflict will probably occur in the distant future, hinging on whether economic integration can gradually lead to a reduction of political tensions, and that the United States should continue to oppose any declaration of independence by Taiwan and any use of force by China.

** Table of Contents [#zb9a2c6a]
- Preface by Donald S. Zagoria
- Introduction by Donald S. Zagoria
- Policy Positions: U.S., Taiwan, and China
- Cross-Strait Relations and the United States by Robert A. Scalapino
- U.S. Policy Towards Taiwan by Richard C. Bush
- Some Thoughts on Cross-Strait Relations by Alan D. Romberg
- Cross-Strait Relations at a Crossroad: Impasse or Breakthrough? by Ying-jeou Ma
- The DPP'S Position on Cross-Strait Relations by Wilson Tien
- Taiwan's New Policy Toward Mainland China by Julian Jengliang Kuo
- 1992 Consensus: A Review and Assessment of Consultations between the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait and the Straits Exchange Foundation by Xu Shiquan
- Opportunities for the Future
- Preparing for a Better Time in Cross-Strait Relations: Short-Term Stalemate, Possible Medium-Term Opportunities by David M. Lampton
- Growing Cross-Strait Cooperation Despite Political Impasse and Chen Administration Acts to Expand Cross-Strait Economic Relations by Ralph N. Clough
- Outlook for Economic Relations between the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan After Joining the WTO by Yu Xintian
- Chinese Military Modernization and the China-Taiwan Balance by David A. Shlapak
- Cross-Strait Confidence Building: The Case for Military CBMs by Bonnie S. Glaser
- Since the Taiwan Elections, December 2001
- More of the Same Despite an Election and a War by Nancy Bernkopf Tucker
- Taiwan's Legislative and Local Elections: Their Meanings and Impacts by Xu Shiquan
- Conclusion by Donald S. Zagoria
- Contributors
- Appendices

** 適用研究範圍 [#jfb04ae9]
- 兩岸關係、[[政治]]、美國研究、[[外交]]、亞研

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